Day 3: No car

30 04 2010

The weather caught me out today. I rolled out to work in lovely autumn sunshine, only to realize around 3pm that it was raining outside. It continued to do so for the next 3 hours and so I dodged the traffic on the pacific hwy in the dark in the rain.

At one point, a particularly intelligent individual thought it would a stellar idea to throw an apple core at me while hurtling past. Thankfully it missed and exploded off a nearby fence. I was chuckling to myself as I contemplated a police report on the matter.

“The person you are looking for is a young male with P-plates in a ute and has a particularly small penis”

A. I don’t think that narrows it down for them too much

B. I really wouldn’t want to see that line up.

The ‘magicshine’ headlight survived an absolute drenching with all the spray that was being thrown at it. I was a little suspect about how waterproof the battery would be since it is only shrink wrapped, so I added a couple of layers of gladwrap to make sure. It seemed to do the job well enough.

Dirtworks 100k on Sunday….. Weeeeeeee

No car: Day 2

29 04 2010

Well I survived the commute this morning and feel great for it. The normal drive takes about 35 minutes and I comfotrably knocked over the 30k’s in 50 minutes.

So basically I have found 2 hours of training a day and it only costs me 30 minutes out of my day…. outstanding.

My poor forearm has copped another work over. On monday it was Lantanna in the wattagans which gave me an aggressive derabrasion and then on the run in this morning, I looked down at my forearm to notice I have another new cut and am bleeding… wtf? Now my poor customers are starting to look at me as though I might be engaging in self harm with the amount of lacerations on my arm.

My cunning plan also involved using the showers at the Gym half a block away since there aren’t any at work. I hadn’t got around to arranging my corporate council rate (via the wifey) as yet and was charged 15 bucks for a shower. Most expensive shower I have ever had. I had best do something about that corporate rates asap. At that rate, petrol is cheaper.

Happy Trails

No Car: Day 1

28 04 2010

My little subaru is off to the panel beaters to have the kangaroo surgically removed from the front end so today was my first day of cycle commuting. No more excuses, time to man up and ride everywhere I am going.

Since I had been planning to head to Awaba and do a little more corridor marking, I had no choice but to ride from ‘Bowers  smash repairs’ in Carrington  out to Awaba (Probably between 40-50k’s). Not really a big deal in the scheme of things but it necessitated me taking the anthem since I didn’t like my chances of getting the roadie all the way in to little falcon without some cyclocross hike a biking.

It was a gorgeous day to be out on the bike and I did the whole trip without a single close call or stupid driver attempting to kill me. A nice change really.

The corridor marking is going well. I love wandering around in the bush and some of the places I have found to take the trail are mind boggling. I found one little section and I fell to my knees in awe… it is going to be post card perfect. The best bit is that almost all of the 2k loop in the next section will be descending. It is going to be fast, flowing and totally worth climbing up the hill to get to.

I ran out of corridor tape halfway through however and so will need spend yet one more day tinkering and marking to ensure I haven’t missed anything that could be done better.

Dirtworks this weekend…. Todays ride reminded me of how horribly unfit I have become in my post 24 solo binging. It seems the kangaroo – Subaru interface may have been a blessing in disguise.

Happy Trails!!

The super D that never was

26 04 2010

A ride today was initially intended to track down a super D route however some discussions at the start line soon showed that the land managers likely to be involved along all the proposed routes would be all but impossible to organize. As such, we left the idea for another day and just rode.

We smashed ourselves up Martinsville rd and then headed off along moto trails to god knows where. To be honest, I would still be there riding around in circles if we didn’t have someone who knew the area to ride with.

Given all the recent rain and past experience in the area, I chose to leave the race bike at home and took ‘the pig’. This was both a good and bad idea since the anthem didn’t get chewed to pieces in the grit, mud and water, however ‘the pig’ was showing its age and was slowly falling apart underneath me. First the rear brake pads disappeared leaving me straddling some kind of guided missile/jackhammer hybrid. Ever time i pulled the brake lever, the lever would go to the bars and all that would occur would be a strange ticking noise (presumably pad backing vs disc) however there was no slowing down to be had .

So i spent quite a bit of time relying on the front brake which was all good while we were up on the plateau, however when we hit the steep downhill stuff, prodigious front brake use and steep rock ledges proved extremely hairy. There was downhill slope where i locked the front wheel several times and then proceeded to soil myself only to find out I had gone the hard way and everyone else was waiting for me further up the trail.

About halfway through the ride ‘the pig’ developed chain suck and and resulted in several more stacks on steep pinches as you would commit to a line and start smashing to clear the rocks, only to have the driveline lock and loose all momentum and be forced to try unclipping in some of the worst possible places. I spent the whole ride in a single gear since I knew from past experience that changing gears too often would just result in horrible grinding crunching noises and the demise of another drive line. This probably staved off the chain suck as long as possible, but ‘the pig’ got me in the end.

I had several super kook moments today including stacking in the car-park at a rest-break. I have no idea what happened, I think i washed the front wheel on a wet root and before I knew it, I was lying on the ground in front of everyone…. KOOK!

While the SPD’s were more than happy to stay done up as I pitifully struggled to unclip on the ground in the car-park, I managed to pull my feet unclipped more times than I can count on the rocky terrain with a few brown trouser moments resulting.

B-rad was all grins as he rode his new redline full rigid 29er single speed like a man possessed. Can you blame him? There wasn’t much that could go wrong with it….

Towards the end, I had a dummy spit and threw the bike off the trail in disgust. That doesn’t mean I didn’t have a killer ride. It was an awesome day. It just means ‘the pigs’ days are numbered….

trail walking in the rain

25 04 2010

Since the HMBA club round was called off due to rain today, I had some time up my sleeve to join Nic the IMBA rep in his trail visit to Glenrock. I learnt a few things and got to spend some time wandering around looking at familiar trails by foot rather than at speed on a bike. It is amazing what you notice when you aren’t flying past on your bike.

I then got out to awaba in the afternoon and wandered through the bush on the northside of little falcon investigating where the new bit of trail will go. There are some pre-determined GPS waypoints which we need to join up, but other than that, it is basically a blank canvas.

Now I can see why artists find it so difficult to make the first brush stroke. I spend ages wandering around in circles trying to figure out where to begin and I am still not altogether happy with what I found. With big open spaces all around, I was looking up and down the hill and seeing all sorts of possibilities but which is the right one?

Anyway, lots more walking around in circles will be done before any final decisions are made.

Don’t have five coffees and watch this….

23 04 2010

your head will explode!!!!!!!

Interesting endurance article

23 04 2010

Bike is running again

23 04 2010

So, the hanger fitted. The SLX derailleur turned up and is installed as a temp measure. The anthem is happy again!

The hanger

21 04 2010

Gee I hope they fit……

Cog head ride

20 04 2010

Tonight’s cog head ride was great fun. I don’t know whether the route I chose was a much fun for the other riders as it was for me, but I guess that is part of the problem with being the one choosing the route. I even managed to enjoy riding ‘the pig’, so tonight was a bit of a break through 🙂

We did quite a bit of bike path work as I wasn’t sure how long the ride was going to take and it probably proved a good thing as people were fairly spent without having to do any more glenrock riding.

Anyway, here’s hoping this link works…..